Friday, April 6, 2012

All the Small Thing

           No this is not a post about Blink 182, though there is much to be said about their rhetoric. One of the most annoying things is when people have a great idea in their writing or speech, but their execution fails because of little things. I once had to sit through an entire 8 minutes presentation in science class about organisms in our eco system. That of course is normal for anyone who ha taken a bio class, but what was abnormal was that the girl said orgasm instead of organism for 8 whole minutes.  No matter how good her presentation was no one could get past that one small detail.

            I’m sure everyone has seen some rhetoric where the idea and content is well done, but there are basic details that the audience just cannot get past. Whether it is grammar issues, or spelling, it is distracting from the point of the writing. I know I do this a lot, everyone does. It is easy to make mistakes with spelling and grammar, but it is when it because repetitive that it gets annoying. People have their own pet peeves, I hate when people say “I’m doing good” and my best friend can’t stand when people use you’re and your wrong.
            So while the elegant aspects of rhetoric are important, the small stuff is just as essential. Just because you learned about it in 3rd grade, it does not make it any less important. 

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